

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Ahmed, A.A., Kim, L., & Hoffmann, A.L. (2022) ‘This app can help you change your voice’: Authenticity and authority in mobile applications for for transgender voice training. Convergence: The International Journal of Research Into New Media Technologies. [online first] [PDF]

Stevens, N., Hoffmann, A.L., & Florini, S. (2021) The unremarked optimum: whiteness, optimization, and control in the database revolution. Review of Communication, 21(2), 113-128. [PDF]

Hoffmann, A.L. (2020) Terms of inclusion: Data, discourse, violence. New Media & Society. [PDF]

Hoffmann, A.L. (2019) Where fairness fails: Data, algorithms, and the limits of antidiscrimination discourse. Information, Communication, & Society, 22(7), 900-915. [PDF]

Stark, L., & Hoffmann, A.L. (2019). Data is the new what? Popular metaphors and professional ethics in emerging data cultures. Journal of Cultural Analytics, n.p. [HTML]

Hoffmann, A.L., Proferes, N., & Zimmer, M. (2018). “Making the world more open and connected”: Mark Zuckerberg and the discursive construction of Facebook and its users. New Media & Society, 20(1), 199-218. [PDF]

Hoffmann, A.L. (2017). Beyond distributions and primary goods: Assessing applications of Rawls in information science and technology literature since 1990. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(7), 1601-1618. [PDF]

Haimson, O.L., & Hoffmann, A.L. (2016). Constructing and enforcing “authentic” identity online: Facebook, real names, and non-normative identities. First Monday, 21(6), n.p. [link]

Hoffmann, A.L., & Bloom, R. (2016). Digitizing books, obscuring women’s work: Google Books, librarians, and ideologies of access. Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology, 9, n.p. [HTML]

Hoffmann, A.L. (2016). Google Books, libraries, and self-respect: Information justice beyond distributions. Library Quarterly, 86(1), 76-92. [PDF]

Britz, J., Hoffmann, A., Ponelis, S., Zimmer, M., & Lor, P. (2013). On considering the application of Amartya Sen’s capability approach to an information-based rights framework. Information Development, 29(2), 106-113.

Conference Papers & Reports

Hoffmann, A.L. & Cross, K.A. (2021). Teaching Data Ethics: Foundations and Possibilities from Engineering and Computer Science Ethics Education [Report]. University of Washington ResearchWorks Archive. Retrieved from [PDF]

Greene, D., Hoffmann, A.L., & Stark, L. (2019). Better, Nicer, Clearer, Fairer: A Critical Assessment of the Movement for Ethical Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Maui, HI. [PDF]

Book Chapters

Hoffmann, A.L. (2020). Commentary on Sipple v. Chronicle Publishing Co. In M. Chamallas & L.M. Finley (eds.) Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Tort Opinions, pp. 194-214. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Stark, L., Greene, D.M., & Hoffmann, A.L. (2020). Critical perspectives on governance mechanisms for AI/ML systems. In J. Roberge & M. Castelle (eds.) The Cultural Life of Machine Learning: An Incursion into Critical AI Studies, pp. 257-280. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. [PDF]

Hoffmann, A.L. (2020). Rawls, Information Technology, and the Sociotechnical Bases of Self-Respect. In S. Vallor (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Technology (n.p.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. [PDF]

Hoffmann, A.L., & Jonas, A. (2017). Recasting justice for internet and online industry research ethics. In K. Kinder-Kurlanda & M. Zimmer (eds.) Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age: New Cases and Challenges (pp. 3-18). New York, NY: Peter Lang. [PDF]

Hoffmann, A.L., (2017). Data, technology, and gender: Thinking about (and from) trans lives. In A. Shew & J. Pitt (eds.), Spaces for the Future: A Companion to Philosophy of Technology (pp. 3-13). London, UK: Routledge. [PDF]

Hoffmann, A.L. (2016). Privacy, intellectual freedom, and self-respect: Technological and philosophical lessons for libraries. In U. Gorham, N.G. Taylor, & P.T. Jaeger (Eds.), Perspectives on Libraries as Institutions of Human Rights and Social Justice, (n.p.). Bingley, U.K.; Emerald Group.

Zimmer, M., & Hoffmann, A. (2012). Privacy, context, and oversharing: Reputational challenges in a Web 2.0 world. In H. Masum & M. Tovey (Eds.), The reputation society: How online opinions are reshaping the offline world (pp. 175-174). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Comments, Editorials, & Special Issues

Hoffmann, A.L. (2021) Even when you are a solution you are a problem: An uncomfortable reflection on feminist data ethics. Global Perspectives, 2(1), n.p. [PDF]

Hoffmann, A.L., (2017). Making data valuable: Political, economic, and conceptual bases of big data. Philosophy & Technology, 31, 209-212. [PDF]

Zimmer, M., & Hoffmann, A.L. (2016). Preface: A decade of Web 2.0 – Reflections, critical perspectives, and beyond. First Monday, 21(6), n.p. [HTML]